Further Reading

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Anunnaki & Nibiru - The Return

An ongoing interest and debate has been Planet X. This allusive planet has been linked to the myths of the Sumerian Tablets, which speak of the returning of Nibiru (a mythical planet said to visit our solar system once very 3600 years due to its elliptical orbit). Nibiru is said to be the home of our forefathers; the original creators of the Human race; the gods of the Old Testament. Is Nibiru real? The writings of the Sumerian Tablets as translated by Zachariah Sitchin and pre-date any known written history, seem to suggest that it is.

Many current day "seers" and "self-proclaimed emissaries of Alien Beings" preach about the coming events, which will include major Earth changes. I'm sure that even without a degree in Rocket Science, any of us can understand just how the arrival of a planetary sized object would impact the forces being applied against this planet, would have a major impact. Of late, we're seeing our weather patterns change; major earthquakes reaching 9.0; storm of the century - every other week (or so it would seem) and let's not forget the sudden increase in activity of volcano's.

The question of Alien existence is still merely a question. Through out the ages, proof has existed to support Alien interaction in our development and progress. Cave drawings; Ancient Hieroglyphics; mid-evil paintings - all show what we've come to identify as the stereotypical saucer or cigar shaped UFO's. We can't deny that these exist and seem to represent something extraordinary.

A study of the myths in the Bible also reveal many interesting discoveries. The issue can certainly be debated until we're all long gone but it would appear that the stories of the Bible, written around 200 BCE, are actually a re-telling of stories from much earlier on - thousands of years earlier! The Sumerian's documented the stories of the Bible in the third millennium BCE! Their stories offer some of the best accounts of our creation and the events of early Mesopotamia. Yet, our Religion-based society continues to propagate the rewriting of our history for its own means...read more>>>...[From my own extensive research on this matter, I have reached several controversial conclusions; (1) The 'spaceship' the 'Annunaki' gods retreated to at the time of the great flood was THE MOON. It has been brought into orbit by space pirates claiming to be the ancient gods but which were in truth an incredibly advanced race who were able to hot wire our history. Bringing their spaceship into our orbit created crazy weather systems and huge tidal waves. Their intention was to destroy our golden age; to genetically modify all survivors to be attuned to their hive mind so they could control us; (2)   the fabled 'Nibiru' exists ok; but I sense the planetary system is close by to earth on a slightly different dimension to our own. It is therefore invisible to the naked eye. It is from one of the worlds in Nibiru's orbit that they are able to transport themselves to their space ship (The Moon) and also influence us inter-dimensionally; (3) Our concepts of this world and the spirit world are images placed in our minds via our DNA and are nothing more than containment fields for our consciousness. They use our consciousness as a food source. One energy they cannot understand is 'non-fear' ... what we call infinite love; (4) the history of the ancient gods etc is false. The so called timings associated with what has occurred on this planet are not correct. The hijacking of our planet has happened more recently than we assume it has! --- MJ]