Further Reading

Thursday 1 March 2012

'Karmic Amnesty'

For those of you who can realise, and recognise, the karmic patterns that shape your life at this time. Who can identify the repeating situations that are the common denominator of all your many lives. Who see all those threads of disharmony that have created the contrasts in all those lives. If you are one of these sensitive souls at this time ... then this message of hope is for you. This period of linear time we identify as '2012' is a period of stability best termed as a 'karmic amnesty'. It is a short period of time where the universe appears to create the opportunities in your current life time to clear these karmic patterns. You will instinctively recognise the wonderful opportunity to do the 'right thing' in order to provide balance in those situations. To counter the disharmony and create order. To cease the ripples in the pond and feel the sacred silence of being in those situations. For without contrast ... a situation ceases to be. Hence the weights of karma can be lifted from off your shoulders and that  burden released ... so you can feel your ethereal body lift in vibration ... and your consciousness soar closer to the level of vibration intended at this time - Mara Gamiel 1/3/12