Further Reading

Thursday, 8 March 2012

NIGHT TERRORS - "Personal Accounts Of The Phenomenon" - Kim's Plight Part 2

Thanks everyone for your wonderful response to this study on 'Night Terrors'. We are currently a very interesting database of experiences received from fellow night terrors sufferers!!!

In this second in the series ... we return to the alarming plight of 'Kim'. Remember, what you are about to read are 'actual events':

"In late 2009, after a really quiet period of not having any crazy experiences, I suddenly had a strong, physical manifestation of a man in my house who literally WALKED THROUGH MY FRONT DOOR, SHUT IT AND WALKED TOWARDS MY BEDROOM IN THE BACK OF THE HOUSE.  I yelled, "Who's here?"  I thought it might be one of my sons friends as the manifestation was clear but I mainly saw the back side of him, after he shut my front door and began walking.  He was wearing standard blue jeans and a white t-shirt.  As soon as I yelled out, all the power went out in the house and there was this very still silence...and then the dogs barked. lol  I felt this WAVE of energy go throughout the house that was very different than anything I had felt in the house before.  It was very real.   

Years ago, I had tried evp and immediately got something, which scared me.  I didn't try it again.  But this seemed like an occasion to give it a try.  I began doing EVP sessions to try to get to the bottom of all the paranormal activity.  As the time before, there was immediate vocal activity on the recordings!  The stories they told me made my hair curl, no actually, I was born with that.  But, i was told stories about the darkness and what was going on around me by a couple of female spirits that were frightened, not only for me, but for themselves.  The story, in short, was that there was a "Demon" (I didn't believe in demons btw), they also called him a "Master". I would get recordings of them saying, "He's coming" then I would hear him come in, scream at them, start whipping them and others, there was always that rotar sound when he was coming in!  Turned out my house was built on a slave plantation btw, there WAS a connection.  

I'm still trying to piece it all together but one thing was clear, there is a DARK side, and there are Demons (I have more stories about them), or dark entities that trap other entities and make them slaves, and also try to influence our lives.  Including btw, entering friends and family who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol!  That's how they really love to mess with your life. I feel a great responsibility now to people regarding doing this kind of work.  In one sense, I want to let people know they have the tools to become there own mediums, and even work with evp's on their own, but I also know that there's that risk for them, if they're not armed enough spiritually, to open up a door in which anybody can come through from any level of dimensions really it seems.  I was writing a book but now I feel because of the "dark" stuff I have to take it from a whole other perspective and I feel certain now that,  part of this work has to be addressed, and well.  I can not encourage others when I really don't know what I'm talking about yet myself. "

Thanks for sharing some of your experiences 'Kim'. The interesting point in this account is the reference to 'the master coming'. This was something I was constantly told as a control mechanism during my own night terrors!!!

If YOU have any similar night terror experiences you wish to share with us ... please contact Matthew James at matthewjamesmedium@gmail.com. All e-mails will be treated with strictest confidence. If you are willing to have part of your account featured here, please let us know.