Further Reading

Thursday 1 March 2012

The 'Religion' Of Atlantis

Remember, we were spirits only. Very 'fine', 'high-frequency' vibrational beings, with no experience in this physical realm. These humanimals came upon their terrible fate because of a rapid, uncontrolled slowing down of their vibrational frequencies, for purposes of materialization of their spiritual selves into the material plane of the Earth. It occurred in a way that cut them off from their normal consciousness, like changing the dials on a radio to an area of radio frequency that had nothing to receive. Their 'internal radio' of consciousness, was no longer 'tuned in' to God. It was a materialization that went too far, too deep, into the dense, slow vibrations of the physical plane. When the finer frequencies were 'cut off', they were left 'cut off' from God and the rest of spiritual creation, and thus the consciousness of the Oneness of the Universe - the consciousness of God - the Universal Spirit. This left them with only a 'separate self consciousness', that lost touch with 'Oneness Consciousness', or 'Universal Consciousness'....read more>>>...