Further Reading

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Symptoms Of A Vibrational Change

For those of you lightworkers out there who are feeling a little under the weather at the moment ... relax and what is happening to you at the moment! I've come to the conclusion that the cold & flu like symptoms I've been experiencing for the last 12 days is nothing more than a 'vibrational change'. My glandular & nervous system has being going haywire for the last few days with some rather odd energetic side effects. Today was very strange too ... spiritual energies have been blocked in my neck & throat area. My shoulders & neck have been sore and tense. I've experienced numerous dizzy spells. Sleep patterns have been adjusted ... deep sleep with some very vivid dreams. Because I've been specifically on the look out for anything unusual energy wise in recent times ... I took note of all these differences. Today was a significant day ... I began consciously unblocking the energies in my neck area; applying significant pressure on both sides of my neck I found I was able to release the large amounts of energy which had been blocked in the throat/thyroid gland area. I began experiencing an increase in heart rate ... and also a sense of the etheric throat chakra beginning to turn like a dynamo in my emotional body directly in front of my throat area. Energy was clearly flowing from the minor energy points in the shoulders into my brow area. I immediately felt better ... and became aware of the 2nd vehicle aligning itself with my physical body. I attribute all these sensations with the increased vibrational energies and faster energy fields we are now feeling at this time. So lightworkers ... if you are feeling similar symptoms to what I have been describing ... relax ... it appears to be a light body adjustment - MJ 27th March 2012