Further Reading

Friday 23 March 2012

"Wanderer of the Web"

Another chapter looms … another corridor in the maze,
The labyrinth of blinding colours … the traveller confused in the haze,
Fable dictates there to be possession by the beast at any stage,
The attention is on the seeker … hunted no doubt by the lurker
As he turns the new page, and muses on what was written before.

A world awash with demons and conspiracies … and mind control
The last chapter, like a scrap book … a presentation perhaps
A representation of the fables which affect the thoughts in this avenue
His way of thinking changed … back to the roots, he must begin anew …

Gain back ‘what was’ … and grasp the true ‘what is’ …
For he perceives what lies ahead is a product of the lurker …
A casual spell … inventing intentions in his mind … a causal effect
Soon, he appears to have to live out the reality of those thoughts …

Is it the way ahead that is meant … a corridor to a true destination?
Or will it lead to another dead end deep in the labyrinth …
More desperation … more disappointment … another defeat …
How can he tell when he appears not to know his own mind anymore …
The lurker seems to have taken up residence … and is slowly poisoning his mind.

But know he is fearless … he isn’t scared by what he senses is there,
It’s a deflection … a slight barrier that’s all …
The demon foe weak … not the strongest he could encounter …
But it serves like a warning … after all … the darkness is aware of him
His passage … at this point … a risk for them …

Another chapter … and the knowledge of passage by freewill must be known to him,
It must be his own conscious choice … to cross these foothills …
It is his challenge to overcome … his choosing … his own imagination to shape the road
Hence, the need to overcome the dark oppression and cast that madness from his mind

Matthew James