Further Reading

Sunday, 11 March 2012

A Word On 'Trickster Entities'

"Whenever archetypal magical images are encountered in any magical working whether it be meditation, healing, circle work it is VITAL to look beyond the universal symbol presented to you. To see the entity or force behind that symbol. Things are not always what they appear to be ... there are cunning forces that use these recogniseable archetypal images to deceive the inexperienced practitioner into believing they have this archetype working with them, when in truth it is something entirely different" - Matthew James 2004

This is so vitally IMPORTANT at this time. I cannot stress enough the importance of the above statement of fact. Whatever & however connects with you in spiritual workings ... DO NOT accept it on face value. Question the connection. Test the connection. It has prove itself to you. At this moment in time there are a large amount of naive spiritual practitioners out there who accept anything & everything that comes around them with rose tinted glasses. This is a dangerous practice!

Since 1970-71 I've had an incredible amount of 'entities' connecting with me ... each and every connection has been tried and tested ... it happens even now! The bulk of these so called connections have turned out to be lower entity trickster vibrations that wish me to be misled by them. I have become an old hand at recognising such entities and their influence on people. Self denial and false feelings of grandeur are perfect examples of the energies they generate in people under their influence. Plus inexperience giving way to running before you can walk ....  

It is a VITAL practice for anyone working as a Medium/communicator to be totally skeptical of each and every entity that makes a connection. There is extreme danger on the path. Lower entities that have sufficient intelligence and ability to attach themselves to the lights ... and deceive those lights they are who they say they are. When they are clearly not. ANY entity that 'brushes the ego' or promises to bring fame  and fortune to you ... are likely to be trickster energies. They are confidence tricksters ... providing you with the information you want to hear to make you dependent on their connection. Equally if they claim to be some mighty & powerful archetype or guide ... which gives your ego a false sense of worth or power ... again it is a deception! The entities are cunning and almost always attach to those who are vulnerable and weak in their spiritual development. I KNOW! I had a few of these attach to me in the early days of my pathway. They were presented to me as a challenge as a way to gain an understanding of what it feels like. So I know the difference. If in doubt DON'T connect with any entity! 

Why do you need to anyway? We are the universe and the universe is us. We hold all the answers so we don't need external guidance. Nine times out of ten it is the seperate self ... the uncontrolled ego ... that wants a spirituality seeker to feel they need outside help so they won't look within and see it in themselves. The classic throw backs of this scenario is a false sense of worth; a 'I know it all' personality ... even when friends and family see where you are heading is the wrong direction your ego will convince you they are wrong and you are right. I see it to a greater degree at this time ... there are so many inexperienced souls out there, who are only just on their pathways who are being misled and deceived by false claims and false connections made by people under the control of trickster entities. There is nothing I can do as anything I say will be seen as jealousy or envy on my part. I merely shake my head and remind myself that they will get through the experience eventually - Matthew James