Further Reading

Monday 30 April 2012

The 2012 London Summer Olympics – More than Meets the “Eye”?

Beginning at the end of July, the 2012 Summer Olympics are going to be held in London. We are noticing increasing discussion on certain forums and sites suggesting that something – and we emphasize Andrew W. Griffin something – may happen at the London Summer Olympics.

We already know there are anti-terror drills being conducted in advance of the games, and a recent report said terrorists are “plotting (a) cyanide poison hand cream attack,” according to the London Telegraph.

Is this simple fearmongering to justify their tyrannical police state or is something in the works?

And just today we see a report out of Reuters noting that Pool Re, the state-backed British reinsurer that covers terror attack-related commercial property losses, has $7.3 billion of assets to cover the Olympic Games.” Just in case...read more>>>...