Further Reading

Monday 23 April 2012

How to tell if there is a psychopath in your life and what to do about it

This kind of friend will appear from nowhere but quickly infiltrate every area of your life. They are out to get what they can, but because they are great fun to be around, it's hard not to get sucked in. They are the first to say 'let's party!' because they rarely worry about the future.

They will create intimacy by supposedly telling you their innermost secrets (which will be completely made up) in order to encourage you to do the same. It's even been shown that psychopaths are accomplished mimics, imitating your speech patterns and body language to create a rapport. That's when they start asking for favours. They might want to stay with you, or to borrow money.

Ask yourself: is this friend asking for bigger and bigger favours without doing anything in return? Do they encourage you to cut off other friendships, or use your contacts to benefit themselves? Do they seem to have no other friends?

A psychopath will find it hard to lure you in if you avoid giving them intimate information, if you do not call them and if you are not supportive of their plans. They have no sense of loyalty and will move on to the next gift horse as soon as you stop playing ball....read more>>>....