Further Reading

Sunday 15 April 2012

L.A. to N.Y. in Half an Hour: 10,000 Plus M.P.H. Tunnel Train Used for Underground Bases?

The concept was way ahead of it’s time, exactly what the secret sinister government needed to connect their vast expansions of underground bases throughout the United States and in various regions worldwide.This could offer an explanation for some of the recent strange sounds and booms across the country. The late (and presumably murdered) Phil Schneider spoke about what he called anElectro Magneto Leviton Train System that traveled at speeds in excess of Mach 2. The VHST and its proposed routes, (vast advanced tunnel systems) at the time of it’s conception in the early 1970′s, fit and follow other underground base researchers findings as well as some of my own. An interesting aspect within the Rand Corp. document is the fact that the tunnels are way to expansive to pump all of the air out at once to create the frictionless environment needed travel at speeds in excess of 10,000+ MPH...read more>>>...