Further Reading

Wednesday 18 April 2012

OM ॐ The Healing Power of Spiritual Sound - Patrick Bernard

This ॐ Sound Vibration is a Powerful Tool for Healing and Meditation.In the Rg-veda we find the following information;

om asya jananto nama cid-viviktan mahaste visno
sumatim bhajamahe om tat sat

tato 'bhut trird-omkaro yo 'vyakta prabhavah svarat
yat tal-lingam bhagavato brahmanah paramatmanah

"One who chants om, which is the closest form of Brahman,approaches Brahman.This liberates one from the fear of the material world, therefore it is known as tarak brahman.

"O Vishnu your self-manifest name, om,is the eternal form of cognizance. Even if my knowledge about the glories of reciting this name is incom plete, still, by the practice of reciting this name I will acheive that perfect knowledge.

"He who has unmanifested potencies and is fully independent, manifests the vibration omkara,which indicates Himself. Brahman, Paramatma,and Bhagavanare the three forms He manifests.Om takes the form of Gayatri, then Veda and Vedanta-sutra;then it takes the shape of Srimad Bhagavatamand the lila,the divine pastimes, of the Lord."

As a tree or fruit bearing creeper begins with a seed so everything begins with Om; the gayatri mantrabegins with Om,the Vedasbegin with Om,the Upanishads begin with Om,the Vedanta begins with Om,and the Srimad Bhagavatambegins with Om.Therefore, it can safely be said that our search for Sri Krishna begins with Om.

"Om is a combination of letters, A,U,M. The letter 'A' refers to Krishna. The Letter 'U' refers to Radha, and the letter 'M' refers to the jivasoul."