Further Reading

Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Path of HEH

The Path Of Heh is the 15th Path which is the Constituting Intelligence, so called because it constitutes the substance of creation in pure darkness, and it is said of these contemplations; it is that darkness spoken of in scripture, and thick darkness a swaddling band of for it.

The Hebrew letter "heh" means "window," (literally wind-door). The window admits light (knowledge) and air (spirit - prana) into the house of personality. The window also permits outlook, survey, supervision, and control. The window is a frame, focusing attention. It is transparent; this alludes to the mind of the Magus. "Heh," or "ha," is also the Hebrew definite article "the." This defines, locates, particularizes, and characterises.

Sight is the sense function attributed to Key 4. Vision, examination, analysis, vigilance, attention, and investigation are all related. Insight is another form of seeing.

Constituting intelligence is a traditional way to describe this key, as in composing, framing, or authoring. This is the originator, the inventor, the founder, the generator, begetter, architect and builder. The constitution is the law, and order - what we call the "laws of nature" are definitions, and observations. This is ability to see the big picture, the Gestalt of a situation.

The Path of Heh has a special relationship with the art of ritual magic. Like the Paths of Zayin & Cheth, it serves as a connection between the Ruach and the higher centres of the self, but its endpoint is in Chokmah, not in Binah; it connects with the primal source of Force rather than of Form, and what descends it is thus power rather than perception. In a broader sense, the Path of Heh deals with the whole relationship between power and the self....read more>>>...