Further Reading

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Were Humans Created as Slaves?

Ever since I first became interested in genetics, it has always intrigued me that such an important part of our anatomy, the genome, a molecular structure so refined, should have been created incomplete.Actually, the truth is that the genome was created in abundance, with large parts of the structure that are not being used at all. It is as if the inactive parts of the genome are waiting for some extrinsic factor to switch them on. The question begs, which unimaginable characteristics or super abilities are the dormant parts of the genome not controlling? What human abilities are they hiding? And how has this affected our evolution as a species?

The genome is just another name for the full complement of genes and DNA contained by an individual. In humans, the genome consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes which contain the entire genetic programme for that specific individual and is located in the nucleus of every cell in our bodies. This genetic programme controls all the information that allows us to grow and function. Our genome is unique for every individual and every species...read more>>>...