Further Reading

Tuesday 29 May 2012

2012 - The Halfway Point

Well, how long and weary was May 2012? I, for one, will be glad to see the back of May 2012!! The holding pattern in the last 5 weeks has been too intense for my liking. Too much thinking ... too much aggravation ... too much karmic contemplation. Considerations have been very overwhelming considering 'the right thing to do' or 'the consequences of making the wrong choice' ... such have been the pressures of the last five weeks. 

Sometimes, the things that we can't change end up changing us-- Unknown

Well ... I've certainly been changed by the recent challenges. Life's circumstances have made me look at things in a different way. From a much deeper perspective ... which is what I guess this evolutionary leap has been all about. 'The Truth Vibration' is extremely evident as a beacon of light in the background at this time. No forward motion until ... until the current 'lessons' are assimilated. A very difficult quarter to wander through. Especially as I know the realisations are one sided ... I'm aware of them, but those other competitors are not ... 

And the interesting thing in all of this ... I am not alone in this holding pattern! Numerous clients over the last few weeks have admitted to feeling the same! Mid-April to now has been a real shitty time for so many of us. But, as I have been told from 'upstairs' and I advise my clients ... the mud flats of May 2012 will subside mid-June 2012, and we should have forward motion again. The test of endurance is going to be still apparent during the first two weeks of June 2012. More bullshit from some quarters then ... as the separate selfish self runs amok and shirks the responsibilities presented by The Truth Vibration. But, at least forewarned is forearmed. I can be prepared. 

I have a favourite Tarot image in the Karma Music Tarot deck ... The Eight Of Cups .... it depicts a male character with his hands over his head with a disconsolate looking character, with their hands in their pockets, walking past the male character. I call it the 'revelation card' or the 'run for cover' card. It's a perfect card for this moment ... when you know what lies ahead ... you anticipate what will happen when .... such and such a thing happens .... ! 

I just know beyond June 2012, there are going to be some major surprises. This year has barely got up steam yet. It is certainly one of the weirdest years in living memory. The current rut  is truly a pain in the arse. But, I am one of life's survivors. I always have and I always will. It's all part and parcel of the process. With my senses heightened and my awareness alerted, I notice things like hovering hawks at my eye level in the field next to where I'm travelling. Or the threatened attack of a single hornet in a dream. Or even the nasty queen introducing herself to me, again in a dream state, trying desperately to make herself seem a really nice person! I notice also the strange, and the profound occurrences ... that are really out of place at this time. I've been immersed in this kind of symbolism now for about 35 years; really since I read my first esoteric book on magick and symbolism. It's served me well to this point ... and will continue to do so.

Even with these strange occurrences at the half way point of 2012, I still am indebted to the universe for its trust and understanding. My clients are all wonderful people, in each of their unique ways. I am still as passionate about my work as when I first started professionally back in the early 80's. I still apply the same discipline and principles now as I did then. I am proud of the consistency in my readings ... whether its the first reading of the day or the 18th of the day ... the quality is still the same. I am fortunate to have perfected the use of the '2nd vehicle' .... enabling me to be as refreshed at the end of my day of readings as when I started the day. That skill doesn't come over night ... it comes with years of practice, experience and universal trust. Don't let any one just starting out in this field kid you that they have this ability ... they can't have! It's one of the hidden gems hidden from view when you start climbing the mountain. It's the 'antique china tea service' as an old friend once calls it. I witness the current industry and see plenty of 'plastic tea services' with matching ability shining in their auras. But little else. I see plenty of brushed egos and sad souls fooling themselves ... I smile and gasp. 

Where is the 'proper' training required to truly embrace The Truth Vibration?? There can be so few souls embracing that light at the moment? I'm struggling ... I am the first to admit ...! My sensitivity is out there on my sleeve ... all my years of experiences; of striving to be the best I possibly can ... hasn't made the current few weeks any easier. I know it must be an awful time for so many others at this time ... but it is what it is ... soul growth. 

Soul growth is NOT an easy task. There isn't a short cut. There is no workshop or course that can be attended to make it an easier than it really is. It is a depressingly agonising process. The last thirty five years of my life have been sacrificed to its horrendous touch. It is NOT a fun process. Anyone who says it is ... has NOT felt its effect. I know that 100%. You are constantly stretched and pulled. Taunted and tested. Pushed and pressured. It is 24/7 ... and it is constant.  There is little breathing spaces ... that is why May 2012 has been SO difficult. The truth vibration is proving to be hardest on its own. Those who are not facing their personal truths are seemingly getting it easy. But soon, it will be their time too ... and they will be p155ed with it too! Believe me ... it is not an easy time ahead.

Anyway, I've said enough. I began with little or no idea what this was going to be about. And I still don't. It's time I left it there ... and concentrated on other pressing matters. Bye for now - Matthew James 29th May 2012