Further Reading

Friday, 11 May 2012

'Casting The Ritual Circle'

"widdershins" = counter-clockwise
"deosil" = clockwise
In the northern hemisphere, circles are cast deosil and dismissed widdershins. In the southern hemisphere this is reversed and the circle is cast widdershins and dismissed deosil.

 If you are in the southern hemisphere don't forget to reverse the directions.

A circle may be cast with an athame, wand, sword, incense stick, feather, sprig of herbs or even your finger, it is the energy that you put into the circle that forms it, not the tool you use. Some people find it useful to trace the circle on the floor with salt so it is easier to see it's boundaries. You may do this if it helps you. In the past many magicians did this as a regular part of casting their circle, and it won't hurt anything if you would like to do it. You may also use a chalk outline, flower petals, crystals, or candles...read more>>>...