Further Reading

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Daily Merlin - The Remaining Three

1st May 2012
8.15pm EST 
Runic insight to indicate the current situations around Madeleine McCann ... part 2

The 'missing three' from the previous insight .... FEOH, LAGU and EH. Feoh accounts for the tremendous financial expenditure associated with the mystery, and the 'real' unsatisfactory explanation for where all this extensive funding has gone? Hence the falling indicators of wealth 'hiding the trees' or acting as some kind of distraction on this trail. Eh - depicted by the horse - shows some kind of serious focus of energy on an established 'vehicle of power' ... almost as if the accumulated wealth from the funding has been used as the fuel for something else. But what? Lagu ... the rune of fluidity and water ... emotions and opinions stirred. But still the 'official story line'  appears like the maelstrom seemingly going nowhere. Intuition dictates that all is not what it seems ... copyright Matthew James 1/5/12