Further Reading

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

How can I tell if a psychic medium is real or fake?

In reality, the average person is going to have a difficult time telling the difference between a legitimate psychic medium and a fake psychic medium. Phonies, frauds and scam artists can be quite convincing. They can be good at deceiving people, especially people who are grieving or going through a desperate time in life, as these people are often more susceptible to suggestion. But there are telltale signs to help you spot a phony or scam artist.

1) Fake psychic mediums and scam artists ask a lot of leading questions.

Some people call this cold reading. For the most part, scam artists giving a cold reading are fishing around for clues so they can improve their guessing ratio when giving you messages ... a classic might be the message 'I have a baby here that passed in the last few months' ... for one there is bound to be someone in the audience who has lost a baby or knows of someone else who has lost a baby in the time frame. The fraud can wait for a reaction in the crowd to know where 'to go to'.

They are likely to have a well rehearsed sequence of questions that can be adapted to suit the frauds needs ... for example 'I have a woman called 'Rose' here and she is letting me know she had a pain in the left breast area'. Rose is adaptable ... it can be a woman's name, a flower, a colour, a fragrance ... and dependent on the audience's reaction the fraud can make the information fit. Also 'the pain the left breast area' can be made to fit a lung condition or a heart condition, dependent on the audience's reaction again.

2) Fake psychic mediums and scam artists present vague, general messages rather than accurate evidence.

Spirit communication (mediumship) should always begin with messages that identify the spirit who is communicating with the psychic medium. What is their name? What are the circumstances of their passing? How old where they when they died? How long ago did they die? What was their physical appearance and/or characteristics of their personality? 

If the psychic medium is unable to give you any identifying evidence of this type, that’s a red flag that they might be a fake. Another sign can be when a psychic medium asks an audience if anyone wants them to make a connection with a particular person. For starters, it is extremely difficult to make a connection with an individual spirit at will. Secondly, it is likely to indicate the psychic medium has no information and is fishing for a link. It is the psychic medium's role to tell YOU who they have with them ... and to provide undeniable evidence that they indeed have that person. Genuine mediumship involves no guesswork or vagueness ... it is an accurate experience.