Further Reading

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Runic Insight for 22nd May - 29th May 2012

 "Today's runic insights indicate there are some real karmic challenges over the next few days for some of us. The rune ANSUR indicates the real need for 'lessons to be learnt'. Some of us need to truly embrace why certain things have happened, in the way that they have, plus the acceptance of these occurrences. Every experience is fuelled by necessity. Understand yourself; see the lesson being presented. Accept the exposure of your weakness and move on. Simple! Before this process takes place, there is no chance of moving on and upwards into the future. NIED and JARA indicate a ‘holding pattern’ … clear unresolved issues that are eating into the emotional state of many individuals at this time. Stop clinging onto those old karmic patterns, embrace the new ones! Rid yourself of the outgrown life patterns and make space for the new. Change that job! End that relationship! Apologise! Resolve the conflicts that have been occurring for so long. Karmic patterns have to be broken this year in order for the full benefits of the increased vibrations to be felt. The next few weeks will be a very interesting period” … Matthew James 22nd May 2012