Further Reading

Wednesday 30 May 2012

A Word on 'Chaos Magick'

The `formless void' of primordial matter, the `great deep' or 'abyss' out of which the cosmos, or order of the universe was evolved. There are a couple of additional definitions, but they are irrelevant to this discussion. When chaos is used in magick, there is actually no place for con- fusion or disorder.

Chaos is the creative principle behind all magick. When a magickal ritual is performed, regardless of `tradition' or other variables in the elements of performance, a powerful magical energy is created and put into motion to cause something to happen.

The power of real magick cannot be found in a recipe book. If it were only that easy! Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely and a great pity that one will stumble upon the hidden grimoire or mystic amulet that will instantly grant one "magical powers". The ability to perform real magic is attained only through diligent practice, hard work and inner inspiration".

Chaos Magic can only be "learned" by experiencing it by whatever means available. The basic message of Chaos magic is that, what is fundamental to magic is the actual doing of it - that like sex, no amount of theorising and intellectualisation can substitute for the actual experience...read more>>>...