Further Reading

Thursday 14 June 2012

Lunar Nano Soil - More Evidence of Alien Engineering?

This should add some more fuel to the artificial moon argument. Could this curious find be more proof our moon is not natural, but manufactured? Let this broaden your horizons. Any way you look it, this has some remarkable information about our amazing Universe that’s unfolding before us.A stunning discovery by Queensland University of Technology soil scientist Marek Zbik of nanoparticles inside bubbles of glass in lunar soil could solve the mystery of why the moon’s surface topsoil has many unusual properties.Dr Zbik, from Queensland University of Technology’s Science and Engineering Faculty, said scientists had long observed the strange behaviour of lunar soil but had not taken much notice of the nano and submicron particles found in the soil and their source was unknown.

Why would nanoparticles be formed inside of molten bubbles and yet be released by the same type of impact? I can understand someone assuming that and perhaps it’s true. But could it be these encased nanoparticles are engineered to cover the surface of this enigmatic orb called our moon by an alien race to generate the exact effects described above? They sure do the job. Look at the amazing insulation and reflective properties. And that lunar soil is thereby electro-statically charged, is extremely chemically active and even “hovers” over the surface, yet it’s sticky, so as not to fly around but keep a more even distribution perhaps? Is the very soil a sort of electro-magnetic amplifier as well as protective buffer for the Moon, and perhaps its cargo?...read more>>>...