Further Reading

Friday 8 June 2012

A Word on the 'Dantian'

The Dantian is the energy centre of the body has some properties that make it important for handling energy and feelings. This centre is recognized in various traditions. In Chinese Qigong it is known as the Dantian, the Japanese name is Hara, and in the Sufi tradition and the Diamond Approach it is known as the Kath. The location of the Dantian is in the lower belly, 11½ thumb widths below the navel, 2 to 3 thumb widths inward. When you focus with your attention on the Dantian, you can simultaneously sense your entire body, from top to toe. It is this property that makes this the center of the body. Because of this, it is also easy to direct energy to a particular part of your body, when you have your attention at the Dantian. This is one of the reasons why in martial arts (like Taichi) the practitioner keeps his attention there. It also makes it possible to feel all kinds of feelings that are related to your body....read more>>>...

The word dantian translates as cinnabar fields, or elixir field. Alchemists in ancient China, as in the West, were interested in transmuting base metals into gold. Others were interested in transforming the base materials of life into a golden elixir for immortality or long life. Others sought higher stages of illumination or to create a soul. Another use is to transmute the qi in the dantian into spirit, or shen...read more>>>...