Further Reading

Monday 30 July 2012

2012 - More Observations!

Things are going strange again. Been talking to a few sensitives in the last few days ... from various localities. We are almost in the eighth month. The end of July certainly heralded the eye of the storm and the levelling out I was given insightfully earlier in the year. However, I knew it wouldn't last. It was a breathing space to take stock and to fit some sturdier armour. Armour which once again is being bashed with swords sent by those of the darker intent, 'because they know the time is short' ... yes, indeed. The sunset (Left) is how I visualise the turning of 2013 ... the light of truth and its wondrous vibration which has been rattling through us all this year. So many are suffering with self truths and distortions of self ... so much so their lives are apparently falling apart at the seams! Not so. Their lives are merely adjusting to what they should be with what they should have in them. 

I mentioned the sensitives I was speaking too recently ... and the strangeness of events once more. It is true. There is continued madness and delusion out there... but thankfully there are now protective bubbles which can shield us from the madness out there. Embracing the truth vibration and seeing self as it really is ... gives you immunity from the crazy nit-pickings of the narcissistic and psychopathic souls who are brandishing the swords at this time! The old world is no more! The old ways of thinking are gone! It's pointless hanging on to those things outgrown. Its time to embrace these new vibrations ... a bit like gripping hot metal at the moment I know ... but pain will give way to truth ... and things will be seen as they really are. No delusion and no deceptions from the veils that are around you. I can promise you that. I know from recent mediumistic experiences that things are no longer the same. There is consistency and accuracy like never before. My most recent clients will testify that the connections to the other dimensions I make at this time are scary! I work devoid of any delusion or falsehood. I know it sounds egotistical to some ... perhaps. But I make a simple observation of what it taking place. Messages can be validated perfectly at this time ... unlike those who still live under the clouds of guided or angelic delusions. There connections are failing ... I know that. I get told of these things. 'The other camp' is desperate to hold on for financial gains ... whilst here in 'the other camp' we now move on into the true light fields which have not been wandered across in centuries ...! Thus we are attacked by the darker intent due to their crumbling lives and their self anger. I'm sorry if I laugh at this moment ... but they are so pathetic. Pity them as they know not what they do. Monetary gain is being fuelled by their R-Complex in their left brain. They are accumulating wealth because they are on survival mode. It is fuelling their jealousy as they are fearful of the day when they don't have any. Us on the other hand are always provided with what we need. It can be a struggle ... but our lives appear to be less stressful than they have been. We feel the mortar shells that explode all around us ... but so what ... it has always been like this. The intensity may increase as we near December ... so what. We will survive. 

The line in the sand has been made permanent ... and there is now no more defection or enrollment. The sides are what they are now ... we know our 'enemies' ... and we know their lives are being shattered by their delusions and fears. Fuelled by the sweet sickly voices in their minds that promise them fame, fortune, recognition ... glamours which are mere illusions and will never take place. They are sucked in so readily by the enchantments of the ancient watchers and are lost. They know not what they see or do. Think about it ... its true! And on that note I will end this sermon ... without really going anywhere new. That's the thing about this point in 2012 ... its a returning circle ... the wheel of life crammed into one year. Exciting ...?? Maybe not for some ... Matthew James 30th July 2012