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Thursday, 5 July 2012
Agency Warning on MMS and CDS Solutions
The Food Standards Agency is renewing its warning that Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) should not be consumed. A similar product, Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS), should also be avoided. Miracle Mineral Solution, also known as Miracle Mineral Supplement, is sold as an oral supplement. MMS is a 28% sodium chlorite solution, which is equivalent to industrial-strength bleach. When taken as directed it could cause severe nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, potentially leading to dehydration and reduced blood pressure. If the solution is diluted less than instructed, it could cause damage to the gut and red blood cells, potentially resulting in respiratory failure. Although CDS is a more dilute product and not as potentially dangerous as MMS, it could irritate and damage the skin and gastrointestinal tract if swallowed. Other similar products containing chlorine solutions in varying strengths are available. These should also be avoided...read more>>>...