Further Reading

Thursday 12 July 2012

"Are We Dead?" Part 2

Most people involved in the spiritual field know all about the reference to the 'Life Review' supposedly undertaken by souls when they pass from the earth plane. This theory plays a major part in the spiritual belief systems ... that and a karmic payment/debt ... are the most common themes related to those who pass from planet earth into the world of spirit. The vision of recently deceased souls somehow reviewing their lives before moving on to their next life has always conjured confusion with me. Until recent times that is. The penny seemed to drop after a seemingly intense astral projection. I'd undertaken a life regression exercise; taking myself further and further back into my early years; to the point of my earliest life memories. Then it hit me. 

The link between karmic payment and life review. The most comprehensible means of this taking place is for the life to be replayed on a plane of experience that feels real and is almost identical to the world the soul has just lived in. Within this plane will be a series of life experiences and dilemmas to wander through. A little bit like the ... earth plane ... our realm of existence where karma and past life mistakes seemingly play such a big part to play in this 'life'. We are seemingly charged with living out a blue print with pre-determined experiences before we are born. 

What if these pre-determined experiences are the life we've just lived? What if the karma is the mistakes from that life which we are expected to live out in this plane before we are able to move on to the Hall Of Reincarnation for the consideration of another life or a repeat of the last? The Hall Of Reincarnation may well be 'the spirit world' we communicate with ... where souls move on to when they die in this realm? Your lifespan represents the length of time you have in the review period to overcome your karma? I lost my train of thought then ... as other ideas now cascade into my awareness concerning this revelation. We are connected with others who have subsequently died in the life we had ... but not all of the earth's occupants are experiencing the same life we lead. It is a hotpotch world of billions of dead souls locked in their review and karma situations; all linked to others who were in the 'life' with them ... but disconnected from all the others on the planet who are not. It makes sense to me ... this is why we are locked in our own life dilemmas with a group of people; oblivious to others on this world going through theirs. 

So essentially, summarising what I've just said ... we've all passed to the 'spirit world' and are currently in the Hall Of Review which is Planet Earth ... during this time we are living out a pre-selected blue print which is the experiences from the life we've just died in. Within this review period we have a certain amount of free will to learn the solutions to the mistakes we made in this previous life. We are also able to act them out here on 'the earth plane' as a dress rehearsal. This explains why people have such a change in their lives when they make a sudden life changing decision. I do feel this is all illusory and not a real life experience. Through this review process when then can learn the error of our ways and are thus prepared for not making the same mistakes when we next return back to life. Thus we then move to the Halls Of Reincarnation happier in the knowledge we can repeat the life and not make the same mistakes; or move on to the next life without fear of carrying the mistakes from the last one. Somehow we've been made to forget we are actually 'dead' ... and that's the next portion to be covered in this perplexing paradigm ... Matthew James 12th July 2012