Further Reading

Thursday 26 July 2012

"Are We Dead?" - Part 3

I had been intending to continue in the vein of the previous two portions of this article ... sharing my inspirational findings regarding this controversial paradigm. But... there is a need to digress, change direction ... still on the same subject, but bring in other aspects. Firstly, I shared my insights recently with members of a closed circle Kabbalah development group I facilitate here in Canberra. We'd walked the Path Of Nun on the Tree Of Life ... and had dedicated the meditation to a series of death, rebirth & renewal experiences. Thus, it had been an apt time to talk about my paradigm 'that this is really the spirit world' ... interestingly, nearly everyone shared the same viewpoint as me. "It makes sense" someone said. "I thought the same when I was a child" was another reply. So maybe it is not a crazy a notion as I have been thinking. 2012 appears to be the year to have the  'collected bilge' dredged from off the surface of the mind pool. We do indeed appear to be seeing things much clearer. The BIG SECRET that has been concealed from us by secret societies down through the ages appears to be in plain view now. I often wondered about the beliefs and nature of Egyptian spirituality. TRUE Egyptian spirituality ... the post Egyptian society before the Nubian deception which took place when history was rewritten. The Egyptian history we are fed in the modern day is NOT the Egypt I am referring to. 
The illusionary nature of this 'world' is not collusive to really  'being alive'. There is a certain degree of bullshit associated with every aspect of this real world plane. For the last few weeks I've purposely turned all things we know about the earth and life on its head. I've looked at things from an opposite perspective so to speak ... and have got into the notion of being in the Review Mode aspect of the spirit world we are told is the first stage of being dead. It fits into the mould of the karmic patterns we are living in on planet earth. Plenty of lessons to learn etc etc ... 
I recall an experience on a recent ghost bust when I clearly felt and heard three old men who were milling about the grave yard. They demanded I tell them what I was doing ... I told them I was watching them because they were dead! They calmly informed me that it was me who was dead ... that I was in the spirit world. I couldn't dismiss the conversation ... and have received numerous insights from 'dear departed souls' during private readings that imply the same. One insight has stuck in my mind ... an entity remarked that 'when I wander the streets of the earth, look around at all the lost souls who don't realise they are dead ... souls who have been made to believe they are living'. There is a distinct ring of truth with that statement. We've certainly been made to forget our origins or what we are ... systematically and deliberately. The big secret I comprehend is the withdrawal of the knowledge we are dead. We are replaying a life review over and over in a time loop. Reviewing the same life ... again and again. When we 'pass' from this review ... it seems we wander to what is called 'the halls of reincarnation' and prepare to go back to 'LIFE' ... not here but the real earthplane. Instead ... so many are 'reincarnated' back here back into the mire of amnesia. That process still eludes me ... but I concede that when I communicate with departed souls I may well only be reaching into the vibrational fields of the Hall Of Reincarnation. Another notion I am reviewing at this time ... which would explain why the inimitable Thoth/Enoch/Merlin/Odin connects so readily with me ... he is after all the record keeper who resides in these places according to ancient Egyptian. We seem to be missing the BIG DEAL so readily we return into this mire to remember we are dead!!! That is what it appears ... so when we leave this hall having reviewed the life correctly we can accept the dealings and really move on. Otherwise we keep repeating the same pattern in a constant review cycle. That I firmly believe. 
The insights are still not perfect because my comprehension of the entire process, having looked at life in a reversed fashion, is too profound to explain in words. It just feels right and like something I'd forgotten ... the amnesia is lifting and my standard of life is so much better. More later ... bye for now --- Matthew James 26th July 2012