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Monday, 2 July 2012
Crop Circle mystery in France
The mysterious design seems to have appeared two weeks ago in the middle of a wheat field. In the nearby village of Boigny, hardly anybody took notice. On Thursday afternoon, the sky was black, thunder was rumbling and wind was blowing in the trees. The mysterious phenomenon appeared on this wheat field, in the village of Chécy, close to the school. Hidden and invisible from the road, it was impossible to locate without aerial photography. The wheat is flattened, broken, spoilt. The design could only have appeared at night. By day, the alleged authors would have been caught. The main crop circle is made of flattened wheat spirals. 50 metres east, there's another one - an enigmatic circle. Those strangely perfect geometric designs are raising questions. Who is responsible for this hoax? Is it some performance? A message to be deciphered? Or, as certain scientists claim, is it some UFO phenomenon? An extraterrestrial creation?...read more>>>...