Further Reading

Tuesday 17 July 2012

How Antibiotics Destroy Your Immune System

Your immune system is constantly on a seek-and-destroy mission status - on the lookout for foreign invaders, naturally occurring cell defects and mutant cells. The immune system has a vast capacity to remember bad guys and deploy tactics that worked in the past to annihilate the enemy. Some of the fastest growing cells in the human body are immune cells.Over 80 percent of the body's immunity is built in the intestinal tract by the friendly bacteria balance that resides there. The intestinal flora starts building in an infant while in the womb but doesn't really take off until after eight days of age. Starting with the colostrum milk, the gut begins to populate with more bacteria while the infant's immune system starts an inventory of good and bad cells in the body. This inventory is a life-long process and the immune system never forgets an invader...read more>>>...