Further Reading

Friday 6 July 2012

Owl Totem Animal

I had a Barn Owl manifest itself before me recently. It was a momentary visitation, but it was at a significant moment. So much so it made me stop and take stock of the situation. Therefore with a Spirit Owl as a totem at this time, I needed to 'delve' at little further to understand what Mother Nature was trying to intuit for me. What I found was very interesting and so relevant at this time! - Matthew James:-

"Owl medicine can help a person to extract secrets, to see that which is hidden in the darkness and is very powerful for soul retreivals for this reason. Many shamans, psychic healers and mediums have owl medicine either as a primary totem or can call upon one as needed. They can see clear through to the core reason for any type of imbalance and then they can spot the proper medicine needed to heal the imbalance. Owls are also fabulous at keeping rodent populations under control. In Eastern Oregon for example farmers have begun encouraging Barn Owls to nest on their property because of their ability to out do the family cat in keeping rodents under control! So Owl medicine can also help us to keep the pests in our own lives at bay and keep them from becoming overly destructive." (Source - Morningstar)