Further Reading

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Question Me: "How Do I Get Connections Prior To A Live Show?"

I have received a number of e-mails recently regarding my methods of receiving mediumship messages during Live Shows.

Usually my connections begin maybe a day before the show (And personal readings too ...!). I receive personal information from discarnate souls which I instinctively know is for members of the audience (Or a home reading client).

Two classic examples have been witnessed by personal friends of mine prior to the show. On the day of a Melbourne Live show in Hurstbridge ... I was actually crossing a busy road in Diamond Creek when I heard a reference to 'swearing red parrots'. I had intuited that the information was from a Grandfather in spirit who'd kept the parrots in life. I knew also the information was for a male in the audience later in the evening. On the evening itself, there were only two males in the audience. So I began the message with 'I need to come to a male in the audience' ... I then imparted the message about a swearing red parrot ... a male did indeed have a grandfather who kept red parrots and had taught one to swear. 

At a recent live show in Narrandera NSW ... I'd received information in the car on the way to the show from a deceased Grandmother who had a sheep called 'Rosemary' and a cow called 'Angus'. The occupants of the car had thought I was loopy! But having total faith in my connections I opened the show with 'can anyone take a Sheep called Rosemary'? ONE person put their hand up ... they did have a Grandmother in spirit who lived on a farm who called all the sheep & cattle names ... and couldn't kill one sheep who she'd called Rosemary and one cow she'd called Angus!!!

Often I will receive that much information from members of the spirit world prior to the show I have to WRITE the information down on a pad to remember the messages. The information often relates to exactly where a member of spirit world want me to go to in the audience; the colour of hair that the person was wearing at the time the deceased person passed with. The information will be names, places ... what they need to talk about and often the name of the person in the audience the need to talk to or about.

Remember, the information I gather before a live show has been provided by THE SPIRIT WORLD through clairaudient abilities ... I know of one other medium who does the same thing as me and that is the fantastic world renowned Medium Lisa Williams who I've had the pleasure of meeting personally after attending a phenomenal workshop of hers in the Gold Coast in 2010. Lisa often reads out messages from spirit she has received prior to the show ... Matthew James