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Sunday, 15 July 2012
Sugar, Sugar - A Poison By Any Other Name Would Be As Toxic
Don't be fooled by this name for some think, "Well it has corn in it and fructose and that is the sugar in fruit so it must be good for you." That is far from the truth because many health professionals call HFCS a toxic and poisonous substance. Unfortunately it has leaked into our food system and probably won't be going anywhere, anytime soon and it's where many people consume lots of sugar and they don't even really know it. The key to reading ingredient labels is to look for what is on the first 3 to 5 ingredients, which means if it is listed in the first 3 to 5 that is the largest amount of ingredient in the food. If HFCS is still listed on the label, I wouldn't touch it, I don't care where it is but at least don't purchase foods with it in the top 5 to 7 ingredients. Too much of this toxic substance in our bodies has been linked to obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, rapid aging, fatty liver disease and many more conditions...read more>>>...