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Monday, 9 July 2012
UFO sightings seen over California High Desert
A couple was standing on the porch at approximately 10:38 p.m. when they saw two orange orbs side by side above the eastern horizon over Apple Valley. Within seconds, the third orb lit up, shaping a triangle hovering near the horizon. Then another one appeared to the right before the first three orbs disappeared. This is the description the couple reported to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) along with a video clip they shot on June 4. It's among 26 UFO sightings reported so far this year in San Bernardino County, according to the MUFON database. nonprofit organization investigating UFOs, the MUFON gets about 700 sighting reports per month from all over the country, International Director David MacDonald said. Whether or not these reports are signs of alien spacecraft is a divisive question, but the idea of UFOs keeps fascinating people...read more>>>...