Further Reading

Monday 27 August 2012

2012 - The August Report

It's gone crazy! It's a mad world out of there ... as human consciousness is drawn through the needle's eye. I'm not the only sensitive feeling the 2012 strangeness at this time. This is very real. It's not imagined. For those, like me, who've been preparing for this time since they were very young ... its the form book out of the window. Astral and dimensional connections are like never before. 'Masqueraders at the door' are numerous ...and I feel so sorry for those who've not had adequate training to cope with entities that claim to be something they are not. Channelled sources at this time are very dubious ... that's all I will say. Indeterminable psychic attacks are numerous too ... with so many in our industry feeling the strain of these unrelenting pulses. Our industry is currently in disarray with numerous 'unready' psychics and mediums infiltrating our industry. Five minute wonders with egos brushed by the 'Masqueraders at the door' ... inexperienced souls who are not ready for the responsibility of working with the general public and dealing with the really complex and painful issues out there at this time. I am currently aware of so many five minute wonders who are giving themselves, and our industry, a real bad name. Their standard of workmanship is pispoor to say the least. They firmly believe they are connecting with the dimensions and are passing on genuine information. Yet they fail to link at any time. They are sadly away with the fairies/angels/demi gods ... and may never return. Sad. But this is a fact.
  2012 has become a battlefield and the genuine souls stand in No Man's Land ... the snow plough ... forming the wedge absorbing the high end energies at this time. And it is not what was expected all those years ago when I was recruited as a young child. Suffice to say those who oppose the vibrational lift are desperate ... and are playing dirty. Karmic energy patterns are active in everyone's lives at the minute. The life reviews are in full swing. But there are so few of us informing the general public of this. This is the big push for a new vibration on this sorry world. The next few months are going to be even more challenging than this believe me. This is nothing to how its going to be shortly -- MJ 27/8/12