Further Reading

Friday 10 August 2012

A Word on 'Lightworkers and Darkworkers'

The easiest way to arrive at a clear understanding of what is really going on in this polarized world of holographic illusion is to make a simple distinction between lightworkers and darkworkers.

Although we all come from the same Source, the fact remains that not all of us are willing to acknowledge this basic truth. As a consequence, our human family has become a house divided against itself. For, the difference between those who acknowledge and align to the Source of their being and those who do not acknowledge and align to the Source of their being is as different as day and night.

The reason for this radical difference is extremely simple and very easy to understand. Whereas those who choose to acknowledge and align to the Source of their being are blessed by their inner being with intuitive knowing which is experienced as divine guidance, those who do not choose to acknowledge and align to the Source of their being are not blessed by their inner being with intuitive knowing or divine guidance. As a result, the former are able to find their way through this polarized world of labyrinthic illusion, whereas the latter inevitably become lost in the labyrinth.

Lightworkers may be defined as civilized people who practice the love of truth for the purpose of educating others.The essential function of lightworkers is to expand and liberate consciousness by releasing judgments through forgiving love.

Darkworkers may be defined as uncivilized people who practice deception and coercion for the purpose of subjugating others.The essential function of darkworkers is to contract and imprison consciousness by inviting and provoking invalidating judgments.

Thus, although darkworkers and lightworkers appear to be polar opposites, they are actually polar complements. (Planetary Ascension)