Further Reading

Thursday 2 August 2012

Feeling emotional, Misunderstood and probably Exhausted ?

You could be Clairsentient; little understood Clairsentience, is the ability to feel the emotions of other people. Whilst not to be confused with empathy but to some degree both Empathic and Clairsentient Beings have the ability to become a vehicle or dumping ground for unwanted emotions belonging to other people. This cannot be dealt with by any of the normal methods of healing, which is why highly sensitive, empathic and Clairsentient Beings often become depressed at their apparent inability to function like others.

This can be particularly debilitating for people unaware of their ability and finding themselves in families and/or relationships with people who unconsciously drain their energy.

To establish the likelihood of you being Highly Empathic/Clairsentient, you might like to ask yourself how many of the following apply to you. Prior to doing this it is worthwhile remembering that Clairsentience is a gift but unrecognised it is more likely to feel like a curse. The abilities of clairvoyance and clairaudience, to see and hear, are readily known. However, to feel, as in Clairsentience, requires recognition, acceptance, and it takes commitment to learn the skills to manage the energy...read more>>>...