Further Reading

Monday 6 August 2012

Question Me: "How Did It All Begin?" Part 1

I was asked recently 'how did all the psychic stuff begin for you? What were the signs and what kind of life did it create for you?'

In this first of a three part article, I will explain the early days of my life and my discovery of my own psychic ability ....

I was roughly five years old when an incredibly old looking man with long white hair began visiting me in my room late at night. Of course the man was 'a spirit' ... I know that now. But at the time ... I cannot recall if I knew he was 'not of the earth plane'. I can remember him visiting me on numerous occasions. I can vaguely recall many astral projections around the universe with this individual. It's hard to recall exact details because it is well over 40 years ago since these visitations. I know the information he parted to me was of significant importance to my life this time around. He's left a lasting impression on me throughout my life ... and I know also who 'the old man' was/is and what he represents. A clue is in the fact I have worked with Runes for the best part of my professional life, and they were in fact the very first divination tool I ever chose to work with ... but that comes into the story much later on. 
   Not long after the 'visible disappearance' of the old man ... he suddenly stopped visiting me at night ... I was then visited 'by the other ones'. My night times were filled with terrors and fears. I would dread going to bed. I hated going to sleep. I often found myself in an out of body state unable to get back into my physical body. Connected to the physical body in its rigor mortis state it enters during sleep ... me connected to a paralysed body unable to move or scream. Aware there was some awful presence close by. I would see dark shadows moving in my room. I would hear the sound like rotor blades prior to these night attacks. These experiences occurred I would say from about the age of 7 to about 13 or 14. It was really scary. The visitations seemed to cease at puberty but never really went away. I sporadically had similar attacks through my life until about the age of 30. 
   My first indications of any 'psychic ability' was foretold to me at the age of 14 by a school teacher playing the part of a palmist at a school fete. Looking back now I think the Music Teacher was very much into mysticism! She had taken one look at my hands and stated I would understand what she was saying when I was 24. This has always stuck with me. I can still see the event in the back of my mind. The age of 24 did turn out to be very significant indeed. 
   At 15 I began to experience psychic ability. It just appeared in my life without any prompting. Some friends of my parents had a daughter who was very much into psychic matters when I look back now. We would spend some time together watching shadows move about her parent's house. We practised simple ESP techniques without me realising what it was at the time. 
   Throughout my days at school from early primary school I used my psychic ability ... though I didn't realise it then as I must have thought everyone reacted to life the same ... For exampIe, would know when to walk into a vacant room to avoid the school bully who would be walking down the corridor moments later. 
   I always could reveal the deepest secrets and most embarrassing moments to defend myself against bullies. I could anger fellow class mates who were dating girls I fancied by revealing rather 'intimate' things about the girls. Things I couldn't possibly know which made it look like I'd been dating the girl prior to them. Silly things like the layout of their bedrooms or birthmarks in certain places. That kind of thing. I never saw it as psychic ability or remote viewing. It was just something I could do and I thought everyone did. Whenever I was set upon by a school bully I would always close my eyes and find myself outside of my body watching the bully kick ten barrels out of me. I never felt the pain and would always open my eyes and brush myself down after the pounding. I rarely defended myself, because when I did I always regretted it. It was easier to walk out of my body ... what I know now to be an out of body experience.
   At High School I scared the sh1t out of our History teacher! A group of us had been experimenting with a Ouija board ... my home made creation comprising a sheet of plywood, alphabetical Lexicon cards and a wine glass. I'd had incredible results at home in the street with visitations and all kinds of phenomenon. So I chose to take the home made board to school. We'd made contact with an entity that proceeded to slam windows and throw chalk dusters around the room. Then it became more serious as it began providing us information about Oliver Cromwell and his 'darker activities' ... the entity had called itself Prince William. We collated the information and approached our History teacher for validation. He came back to us three weeks later and confirmed the information. He'd then wanted to know where we had obtained the information from as it wasn't in school text books, and there was no internet at this time. He revealed to us he'd spent a few hours at Manchester University Library with some other research, and had checked the information out there to be able to confirm it. When we divulged it was via a Ouija board his face had become ashen white and we were before the headmaster facing expulsion from school!!! Not a nice experience believe me. 
   It was not long after this experience that it began to dawn on me that I had 'psychic ability' ... indeed in 6th Form college I was a bit of a no-no with regard to playing three card brag or blackjack. I was always accused of having marked cards because I seemed to always know what everyone else's hands were ... and what the cards that were in the pile ... it was just a party trick I had developed knowing what the cards were in the pile without having to see them. Red, black, red, red, seven, club ... that sort of thing. It was at that point that I began to use my psychic ability and my psychic senses more intentionally .... Matthew James 6th August 2012