Further Reading

Thursday 2 August 2012

Rune Of The Day - Ansuz

This is the rune of the word, song, poetry, and magical incantation as a container and expression of magical force. Ansuz is a magical ancestral power, one that has been handed down from generation to generation along genetic lines. The rune is instrumental in the creation of mankind. It describes two of the several spiritual gifts given to Askr and Embla (the primal man and woman) by the gods Odin, Hoenir, and Lodhurr (a threefold aspect of the god Odin). These gifts were "anda" (breath, spirit, animating life principle) and "odhr" (inspired mental activity, inspiration). Ansuz is the stave of Odin as the numinous god of magic and of ecstasy. Ansuz is the receiver-container/transformer-expresser of spiritual power and numinous knowledge. This force is received from the AEsir and transformed in humanity to be re-expressed toward the multi-verse in magical and religious acts.