Further Reading

Tuesday 14 August 2012

The Occult Nature of the Olympics Closing Ceremony

"Occult" just means "hidden" and so in itself, it is a neutral word. It is neither good nor evil. The outcome of any occult act lies in the intention of the performer of it. But as many are increasingly becoming aware, there has been a silent and subterranean occult war going on for some time across the world between various Freemasonic groups. While we’re watching surface events, others are working the geometries, archetypes, leyline energies and numbers underneath that which appears to be happening on the surface, and these underground factors engage a part of our brain of which we’re largely unconscious, which is why it’s called the unconscious mind. However, like the seven-eighths of the iceberg which lies under the water, our unconscious minds are more powerful than our conscious minds (the eighth of the iceberg above the water) in dictating the direction of our lives.

It’s my belief that the main aim of all the psy-ops campaigns in recent months, about false flag attacks and possible ET invasions or Disclosure at the Olympics, has been to get us all to watch. They can’t programme our unconscious minds if we don’t watch what they put on our screens. So they needed us to be present and engaged ~ and I would say they’ve succeeded massively in drawing most of us in to be a part of their occult offering to the gods. Why do I believe that the London Olympic Games 2012 was an occult ritualistic ceremony to the gods? Well, partly because it always was...read more>>...