Further Reading

Friday 3 August 2012

The purpose of Mediumship and Spirit Contact

True Mediumship cannot be developed alone, nor learned by attending lectures or reading ‘do-it-yourself’ books. Many potentially gifted Mediums are content with little training and settle for fortune telling. A renewed interest in sitting for further development, in the safety of the group circle, would educate and raise the standard of Mediumship beyond the New Age fringe of psychic chanellers.

Mediumship is not for the unsteady of mind or the overblown ego. Finding a sensible method of development without like-minded companions for support, can be dangerous. The Law of Attraction draws others to us. Seek Spirit guidance and a good leader. Avoid cluttering the mind with various psychic subjects, the individual who specialises, develops quicker than the one who tries to do everything at once.

Learn to ‘know thy self’ and take personal responsibility for all of your actions. An abuse of drugs or alcohol damages the protective web and addicts are excluded from this development....read more>>>...