Further Reading

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Mediumship and The Five Sensory Reality

Let us just mention in passing the various forms of psychic senses & mediumship that there are. Starting with the "psychic senses‟ we have:

Clairvoyance or "Clear Seeing", is the ability to see anything that is not physically present, such as objects, animals or people. This sight occurs "in the mind‟s eye". Some mediums say that this is their normal vision state. Others say that they must train their minds with such practices as meditation in order to achieve this ability. Some clairvoyant mediums see a spirit as though the spirit has a physical body. They see the bodily form as if it were physically present. Other mediums see the spirit in their mind's eye, or it appears as a movie or a television programme or a still picture like a photograph in their mind.

Clairaudience or "Clear Hearing", is usually defined as the ability to hear the voices or thoughts of spirits. Some Mediums hear as though they are listening to a person talking to them on the outside of their head, as though the Spirit is next to or near to the medium, and other mediums hear the voices in their minds as a verbal thought.

Clairsentience or "Clear Sensing", is the ability to have an impression of what a spirit wants to communicate, or to feel sensations instilled by a spirit.

Clairsentinence or "Clear Feeling" is a condition in which the medium takes on the ailments of a spirit, feeling the same physical problem which the spirit person had before death.

Clairalience or "Clear Smelling" is the ability to smell a spirit. For example, a medium may smell the pipe tobacco of a person who smoked during life.

Clairgustance or "Clear Tasting" is the ability to receive taste impressions from a spirit.

Claircognizance or "Clear Knowing", is the ability to know something without receiving it through normal or psychic senses. It is a feeling of "just knowing". Often, a medium will claim to have the feeling that a message or situation is "right" or "wrong."

Mediumship will normally involve a pre-dominance of one of the above senses, or a combination of a number of these senses. From personal experience, when as you are in medium mode you tend to be "on tap‟ … therefore the communicating spirit is likely to activate one or many of these senses to get its message across. Remember, each of the psychic senses corresponds to one of the normal five senses … so our mind will tend to decipher any communication into the terms of our five sensory reality. From personal experience a spirit will present the physical conditions it suffered from on the earth plane (Clairsentinence) then present its information by the sense of feeling (Clairsentience) … its actual communication comes then via direct voice (Clairaudience); the explanation of a client‟s life by way of clear seeing (Clairaudience). For further validation I will be presented with smells and tastes familiar to the spirit (Clairalience and Clairgustance). Claircognizance is utilised often as the fail safe mechanism that the information is indeed correct. 

Because the Spirit world exists outside of our 5 sensory world, the inhabitants are likely to communicate in forms which have far more than just our 5 senses. Let us imagine their native tongue is something far removed from our own. In order for us to understand a foreign language we need a translator. Our mind therefore receives their communications in the format which the spirit world conveys to us. We often hear this communication as high pitch whistles and squeaks in the back of our mind. The information has then to be downloaded by our mind into the form we understand - our language - which is based on 5 sensory only. Hence the communications are received by mediums in the format of the above psychic senses which correspond to the five senses in our physical body --- Extract taken from Practical Mediumship Workshop Level 1 by Matthew James