Further Reading

Monday 22 October 2012

Owl Totem Animal

Mermaid UK: 'Although many people regard the owl as a creature of dark augury, this attitude stems from times when everything was done to denigrate what had previously been held sacred. In pre-Christian times the owl was associated with the mind and with wisdom and sacred science. It was a sacred bird. The owl is associated with wisdom that is ~hidden~ and with light that shines in the darkness, like the Moon. The Path of Owl is intended to lead to the discovery that whatever is required outwardly must first exist inwardly. That which is Without was first that which was Within. The prime purpose is for the tempering of opposites in order to attain good management of one’s potentials. In the American Indian culture the weaving of a blanket required the mingling of many skills. It was treasured as a gift because it represented in an enduring form the inner beauty of the one who has woven it. It symbolised too, the necessity for a balanced heart and mind and the need for rational though to be balanced with feeling that comes from the heart. That is the path of Owl. The primary function of Owl is elevation and exaltation. It requires opportunity for raising the intellect and elevating the morality to obtain the clarity of vision that is spiritual insight...read more>>>...