Further Reading

Thursday 25 October 2012

Question Me "My Child Is Gifted ... When Should They Start?"

I've often been asked my opinion on the youngest age for psychic development. So many clients have gifted and highly evolved children and are eager for their children to embark on a psychic development trail.

Because I've had the ability all the way through my life ... and I've experienced the many pitfalls of having psychic abilities & clairvoyant abilities through my teens ... I would falter in
encouraging any development for anyone under the age of 18 ...

Our early teenage to mid-20's are meant to be spent dealing with peer pressures; formulating friendships; gaining an understanding of life. They are complicated enough without the additional pressures and responsibilities of spiritual awareness.

So my opinion on this is always the same. Unless there are exceptional circumstances I always recommend to clients that their children let their abilities evolve in their own way ... let the kids live their lives and experience the earth plane before exercising those psychic muscles!! There are always exceptions to the rule ... yes, I can hear the comments now ... 'what if it is the child's proper path to evolve at an early age?' .... in these instances the ability is going to occur irrespective of any encouragement. I know I'm not the only one who had it active virtually from birth. I suppose if I'd been encouraged or had it pointed out to me by earth bound souls in my formulative years ... it would have made a difference!

As far as permitting your children to undertake professional readings before the age of 18 ... ??? Mmm ... my opinion is a firm one ... the child will have limited life experiences and cannot be expected to grasp totally the situation they are dealing with unless it is compatible with experiences they have already had. There is also the notion of 'from the mouths of the innocent' ... whereby a direct source spiritual connection can be made to pass on unbiased information.

It is a complex situation as you can see, with many pros and cons. So there is no real right answer ...MJ