Further Reading

Thursday 29 November 2012

Countdown to 21.12.12 - 22 Days

Countdown to the 'End Of Time' 
... 22 days and counting to the supposed end of time. So where were you at the end of November 2012? With less than a month to go to 21.12.12 ... what was happening in your life? In some form or other you would have been tied to your past, fearing for your future ... due to financial restraints and monetary worries? Money ... the vibration of the power that made the world go round. Nothing at all was free in our material world (Apart from the air that filled our lungs each and every day) ... everything had a price ... money was required to exist in our sorrowful world. Without it we could barely survive. The contrast between poor (NO money or little money) and rich (Having obscene amounts of money in bank accounts and investments) ... was very wide by the time we reached the end of November 2012. There was basically a small proportion of the world's population who had the ability to create the money; the ability to circulate the money and control the world's economy. They also were the few in the world who seemingly had NO financial worries ... as they possessed the bulk of the wealth. Funny that ... they owned the banks and the financial organisations that contained the world's monies ... and they were also the richest. They intentionally created economic collapses throughout the world so they could pinch more and more of the money from the majority in the world ... to make people more and more fearful for their survival. It also satisfied their sad, mad and psychopathic survival tendencies ... they wanted all the wealth for themselves ...

... in November 2012, there was the rumour of another major world financial crash. It was on the cards ...

So unless you were a Rothschild or a Rockefeller or a Windsor ... or a few other 'blueblood' names ... November 2012 was a financially worrying time in our existence. And it was NO surprise at all that the few rich families had planned us all to be in this state. They had also planned a deliberate and intentional attack on our nervous systems, our bodies, our minds, our air space, our environment, our food sources, our water and beverages. Just about every aspect of our lives in truth .... they encouraged us all to become dependent on technology - computers, phones, digital cameras etc etc ...

And do you know why they did this? Do you know why they became so psychopathically obsessed with 24/7 surveillance and control of us ??? I'll tell you why ... because they were so shit scared of us and what we were about to become after the dimensional phasing and re-booting of the holographic reality we called 'life' ...!!

They knew they had to somehow distract us and suppress us ... to somehow prevent the mass awakening that the rebooting of the rogue computer system, on the strange world that was in orbit around our planet, was going to create. They knew their time was short ... !! Paraphrasing that famous biblical quote ... "woe to you oh earth and sea, the devil (Saturn) sends the beast (The Moon) with wrath because he knows the time is short" ... exactly, and time has run out ...! "Let him who have understanding reckon the number of the Beast (The Moon) ... its number is six hundred and sixty six ... 666 ... interesting ... it seems like a codex ... it seems the vibrational pattern associated with the holographic reality we call life on earth. 

I may seem to have lost the plot here ... crazy stuff from a psychic madman ... but surely not! It's more logical and acceptable than the Mayan Prophecy bullshit that 21.12.12 is based upon! 

I digress. The crazy few went out of their ways to control us and suppress us. They bombarded our bodies with toxins that attacked the pineal gland. They sent invisible wavelength frequencies out into the air (Wifi, radio waves etc) ... to attack our DNA and change the way our bodies and minds process the virtual reality signals our DNA was receiving. Why? It was an all out attack on what we perceived ... a deliberate and crazy attempt to keep us locked in this reality ... this falsehood broadcast to our DNA antenna by the beast (The Moon) ... the originator of the signal was the devil (Satan - Saturn) ... ever wonder what all the rings around Saturn were for? Or why Saturn had some many moons (Beasts)? 

Their power and their control relied on the glamours cast into our minds by the moonbeams which were constantly broadcast into our DNA! We were all lunatics. Controlled and programmed by the beast (The Moon) ... 

At the end of November 2012, so many people were awakening ... 'hazy vision' was common place ... as people were rushing to get their eyes checked in their droves; only find their eyes were perfectly fine. Yet still the strange phenomenon occurred with their eyes. What was happening was the phasing in and out of the adjusted signal of the beast (The Moon). The time was short indeed. Over more like. The crazy few knew that once the signal was adjusted the perception of everyone's minds would change ... and we would all see the holographic reality for what it was ... we would all see the glamours and become aware of the deceit and deceptions spun around mankind for a very long time ...

It may sound crazy reading this testament ... but does it sound any crazier than believing the world was going to be sucked up into a black hole 22 days after this report? Or a comet was going to impact the earth and blow it to smithereens?? The end of the world was the crazy notion ... this testament may have been as crazy a notion. But it certainly offered more hope ... an end to suppression and fear. An end to the strangle grip that has been around the minds of mankind for so long ... the truth was arriving swiftly and there somewhere ahead ... but how far ahead ????