Further Reading

Thursday 15 November 2012

Countdown to 21.12.12 - 36 Days

Countdown to the 'End Of Time'
... 36 days and counting to the supposed end of time. Has that been scientifically proven? It seems that everything had to have a scientific opinion attached to it. If it didn't people were sceptical of even considering such a thing. Scientists had the apparent GOD stature in our society. If a scientist decreed it was this ... or it was that ... then it was right and FACT. Yet, amongst the ranks of those who questioned those opinions it was known that so many scientific notions, theories and truths ... were actually guess work! Yes guesswork! They really had no strength to their statements at all. Scientific viewpoints turned out to be another means of CONTROL by the minority. Who would employ brainwashed souls to make statements to scare the majority into believing whatever viewpoint that was being dropped onto them. 

Scientists had loads of official looking titles and 'letters after their names' ... so they must know what they were talking about ...

I recall THE GLOBAL WARMING SCAM that blighted our society ... that was a perfect example of scientific scaremongering that ruled the majority and set a control mechanism. We were all lead to believe that the actions and ignorance of mankind was causing the levels of carbon dioxide to increase in the atmosphere ... and thus heat up the planet!!! Yet in truth ... it was the increase in solar activity that was to blame. Global warming was actually part of a natural process on our planet ... and had been detected happening on other planets in our Solar System. 

Oh yes ... and the scientific data claimed the earth was at its warmest since records began. Yet, the scientists somehow managed to misplace vital data that contradicted this fact ... there was a period in the Middle Ages where the earth was actually warmer than it was in the 20th & 21st centuries. They also hid the fact that the earth is actually approaching another ice age. Thus it is actually cooling down!

They also hide the fact that mankind's activity barely accounts for even 10% of the carbon dioxide accumulating in the atmosphere!

When Mt Helens erupted in the US back in 1980 ... the resultant contaminants sent up into the atmosphere account for more pollution than anything mankind has done since the Industrial Revolution began back in 1750. Far more than mankind could ever produce. So the Global Warming issue was a control mechanism for sure ...

There were other scams too which mankind fell for ... GM Food, AIDS, Swine Flu and Foot and Mouth for example ... all based on tainted scientific 'fact', when in reality the truth was a million miles away from what was being portrayed.

I personally have nothing against the genuine souls who worked as Scientists. I just question the sick intentions of those who own and control the organisations who instructed these scientists. It made for a truly crazy world in which we lived in ...

Scientific opinion was like a religion. It was the sermon and the instruction. So many fell for its words ... just like a religion. Another control mechanism like I said before ... 

Apparently there was never any scientific data that supported the notion that mediumship was real; that folk like me could really talk to the dead. Ok right fine ... I must have been very good at guessing for over 30 years! I was consistent with my connections ... the odds of that happening again and again and again contradicted scientific notions of pure chance ... which makes me a paradigm!!! Scientific evidence relies heavily on undertaking the same thing consistently under the same laboratory conditions. This was done by myself consistently 7 days a week ... every week ... for many years with my connections to the other side ... I therefore considered myself living proof that science does get it wrong ... and I know I was not alone ... there were numerous souls like me out there ...

I wonder what science thinks about 21.12.12 ... ???