Further Reading

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Countdown to 21.12.12 - 37 Days

Countdown to the 'End Of Time'
... 37 days and counting. One of the biggest issues we Human Beings had to deal with was 'divine and rule'. The invention of division and contrasts were our downfall. Religion. Football teams. Nations. Languages. Races. Male and Female. Black, white, red, yellow, brown skins. Rich and poor. Left and right. Norms and regulations. Anything that could separate us and keep us trapped in our enforced individuality. Anything that could make us oppose each other and fight each other over forced belief systems.

Religion was one of the worst divide and rule mechanisms. So many wars and witch hunts over the centuries. Billions of souls murdered down through time due to religion. So many souls living under the religious control that lead oppressed lives. Catholic, Protestant, Jehovahs Witness, Mormon, Muslem. Judaism ... to name but a few. All have their own rules. Their own gods. Their own pathways and enforced perceptions. All designed to control. All their to keep mankind divided and ruled. The minority controlling the majority. 

And then there was 'The New Age Movement' ... my god what a shock, gasp, horror that was! So much control and dogma within that controlling mechanism. So many old religions rolled into this new way of thinking. Chaos Magick, Wiccan, Witchcraft, Spiritualism, Pagan etc ... so much confusion and so much EGO! Silly superstitions and beliefs that were created to stop people from grasping their own power and realisations. Spirit guides for example and psychic protection. All rules that you are meant to follow or thought patterns that you adopted because everyone does, and you do it to appear normal or enlightened like everyone else. Control. Control. Control. We were controlled. It didn't matter what religion or what belief you had ... it was still like wearing the shirt of your favourite football team. It was still a control mechanism.

Control by divide and rule was the single most effective means of preventing mankind from escaping the illusory prison it was in! And it was clear that over 80% of the population didn't even realise this control mechanism ruled their lives? They had no idea of the prison earth scenario that unseen forces had created on Planet Earth. That was a sad fact of life on the planet .....