Further Reading

Monday 12 November 2012

Countdown to 21.12.12 - 39 Days

Countdown to the 'End Of Time'
... 39 days and counting. Today we have a gripe about needless things. Or more accurately ... all the advertising which bombarded mankind prior to 21.12.12 that was forcing mankind to purchase things mankind really didn't need. Marketing mayhem. Consumer constipation. Clever sells that convinced mankind they NEEDED to purchase a particular brand or product. It was everywhere ... it was a constant mind control technique force feeding you with what you needed. A subliminal cocktail of instructions to by needless things. Here in Australia, the 'adverts' were on every 15 minutes, in the UK every 30 mins. Advertising commercials were often the most senseless and stupid excerpts of films ... with repetitive and crass songs being sung through the adverts. All designed to lodge the advert within the subconscious to form an automatic instruction to influence your purchasing choices.

All in all the advertising was a gross invasion into our freewill. It was all part and parcel of the grand scale mind control which we humans were subjected to in our daily lives. Our choices were becoming fewer and fewer as the walls of the mental prison closed in on us.

Our spiritual lives became that much harder to practice and our spiritual goals that much nearer to the impossible than they should have been. Our subconscious cluttered with the needless junk that 'they' had created for us with their media technology and their advanced understanding of how our minds work.

Even so ... there was a growing band of 'awakened' souls embracing their 'knowing' around the world. The spiritual awakening must have scared 'them'. The sick minds that grappled for control of our world must have been fearful of what we would discover next ... but would we have enough time to embrace & benefit from the massive shift in vibrations that were being cranked up in 2012 ... or would 'they' manage to activate their 'ozone layer' once more??? Their technologies floating around the globe were obviously their to increase the frequencies and the power of their electromagnetic fields that circumnavigated the globe. The frequency prison they had created to capture our minds in THEIR reality. However, judging by their desperate attempts with all their technology during the early part of the twenty first century ... it appears they were losing the battle.