Further Reading

Thursday 8 November 2012

Countdown to 21.12.12 - 42 Days

Countdown to the 'End Of Time'
... 42 days and counting. Human kind is most certainly stark raving loopy, A reflection possibly of the sick minds that secretly govern the race. That see the human race as little more than cattle or cannon fodder. The human race has its priorities totally the wrong way round. It appears to reward well known novelists more for their imaginative indulgences, than the nurses and doctors who truly value human life. In the UK Daily Mail today, there is an article which relates to hourly rates of pay. Its there in black and white that a Celebrity novelist earns £6144.34 PER HOUR yet a nurse only receives £14.98 per hour. A doctor receives £39.39 per hour ... which makes for thoroughly disgusting and upsetting reading in my opinion. Read it for yourself here ....

We humans were known for sitting in our armchairs and on our settees with our eyes firmly fixed on a box-like invention known as a Television, mesmerised by made up news stories; hooked on imaginative soap operas and reality TV shows. Whilst the real world passed them by with more & more of their personal freedoms being lost day by day. Yes, mankind was extremely brainwashed and ignorant. Made to be stubborn in its refusal to see what was taking place before its very eyes. Fully aware of the dangers of 'sweeteners' added to its foods and drinks, but too dumbed down to care. Subjected to untested genetically modified foods and crops which had  DNA adjusting abilities. Humans had their mind waves distorted on a daily basis by WIFI and bluetooth frequencies that were very much part of their daily lives ... generated by computers, mobile phones and other gadgets that became necessary to exist in their world. For the most part they were totally ignorant of the damage which was being imposed onto them! 

There was a growing number of people fully aware of these dangers ... deliberate attempts by the sick minds, who had been inbred over centuries to believe they ruled the world, to impose their will on the majority. As one of those growing numbers I find it quite intriguing they had to do this 24 hours a day/7 days a week ... yet still their control failed. Still we could think to a huge degree for ourselves and were aware of their methods of control.... interesting ... they seemed the desperate and scared ones. With their left brain rituals and its overwhelming demands for survival ... it seems it was they who were captured in a prison!!!

An observation here at 'The End Of Time' is the fact that the pyramid structure imposed on human kind by 'they' relies on the lower sections of the pyramid (Human Kind) to stay in place to permit them the stability at the top of the pyramid. All I see is the foundations of the pyramid corroding and eroding away at this time ... how long before the pyramid crumbles to dust? Then what?