Further Reading

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Countdown to 21.12.12 - 44 Days

Copyright Matthew James 1992
Countdown to the 'End Of Time' 
... 44 days and counting. This is a (spoof) look at the last two months of life as we know (Just in case the 1% unlikely chance that the Mayan Calender Myth is actually true). Each day we will feature a look at human life and how it once was ... in case it changes drastically on 22nd December 2012.

Ok. Let's remember that us human beings once had 2 hands, 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes, 2 feet, 2 ears ... just about everything in duplicate except for 1 heart, 1 soul, 1 pancreas etc. We had five fingers, five toes, five senses within this illusory reality. We walked upright on 2 legs. We drove around in metal boxes on wheels we called 'cars. We lived on a planet we called Earth and we're taught from our earliest age that we humans we're the only living intelligence in all of the galaxies. It seems improbable ... but that is just part of the wacky lies we we're force fed by 'them'. 

There are many other wacky lies which could be written here ... that constitute the reality we humans see before us. I personally 'talk to the dead' for a living. There are factions in human society that think I am nutty with such a job. A job was basically a means of earning IOU pieces of paper we knew as money. Money was a means of controlling the population. As everything on Earth has a price tag on it ... and in order to survive you had to have money. 

More tomorrow ...