Further Reading

Friday 16 November 2012

The Agenda 21 End Game - A Global Smart Grid

The PPJ Gazette: 'The dark horse of the New World Order is not Com­mu­nism, Socialism or Fas­cism: It is Technocracy.The devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of Smart Grid tech­nology in the U.S. – reinventing the elec­trical grid with Wifi-enabled dig­ital power meters – is pro­ceeding at break­neck speed. Although Smart Grid is the result of years of government plan­ning, the recent kickoff was made pos­sible through  mas­sive “green” grants that were qui­etly included in Pres­i­dent Obama’s eco­nomic stim­ulus package starting in 2009.These lucra­tive grants have drawn in a host of cor­po­rate players, from utility com­pa­nies to dig­ital meter man­u­fac­turers to con­trol soft­ware ven­dors. Global com­pa­nies like IBM, GE and Siemens are putting their full effort behind the “build-out” that will con­sol­i­date all of America into a single, inte­grated, communication-enabled elec­tric delivery and mon­i­toring system, col­lec­tively called Smart Grid.