Further Reading

Thursday 29 November 2012

The Illuminati Fear Program

Dean Henderson: The global elite have, over the centuries, refined the techniques they employ to assure continued dominion over the resources of the planet. In the early days they simply crucified certain rebellious citizens, whilst sprinkling in the occasional peasant massacre to ensure a climate of fear and to thwart any challenge to their hegemony. When this overtly bloody strategy provoked revolution in such disparate locales as France, America and Russia; and later Cuba, the Congo and Vietnam, the bloodline oligarchs shifted to a strategy of covert assassination and counter-revolutionary intrigues. But brutality is brutality, however subtle and disguised it may be. So when this strategy failed to stem the tide of history, while provoking a democratic and thus subversive reaction amongst the populace, the international banking syndicate and its coterie of idle rich turned to psychological warfare. They learned that it is much easier to control a population through brainwashing than it is to mow down a more cognizant citizenry in the streets and risk backlash. The key, they learned, was to keep people docile, fearful and ignorant...read more>>>...