Further Reading

Thursday 22 November 2012

Thoughts For The Day

There seems nothing exceptional about today. The vibrational energies are still the same. The same old stories could be told ...hissy fits still abound in our disjointed industry with ego driven 'professionals' letting their uncontrolled fears control them. The same issues remain unresolved.

2012 reaches its conclusion without really living up to its billing or its reputation created over the last thirty years. It's been a strange year yes. But it's barely carried the heavy weight punch everyone expected. More like a bantam weight warm up bout in truth...

I'm pretty sure there is more interesting years ahead. My own Karmic Return card, from The Light Of Truth Oracle, springs to mind here. 2012 appears to me as the doorway to the next vibration. A year we are confronted with accumulated fears and denied truths. To get through the gateway all this clutter must be confronted and assimilated. No wonder there is so much shit happening around us at the moment.

Fail to deal with the light of truth and you remain at the gateway to the next vibration. So many are floundering at this time. Bickering. Back stabbing. Utilizing strong energies of jealousy and hatred at this time. The very energies which will prevent their passage through the gateway.

Face your own personal truths and accept yourself fully to integrate all facets of yourself into your own light ... Regain your own vibrational key ... To make passage through the gateway.

All you see assembled around you in your life at this time are reflections of all that you are and all you have faced in your incarnations. What part of you are jealous or envious of when you lash out at someone around you on the earth plane at this time?

Catch my drift? All you see around you reflects what is you ...

My train of thought was lost then. But the gist of these thoughts are ... Stand on this moment. In this NOW and see yourself as you really are. Accept this is your personal vibration. This is your key. Is it the right pitch to get you on the next vibration? If you have anger, frustration in your life at this time. More so than usual, then your key still needs to be tuned higher to move on.

Your soul requires you to truly accept yourself in order to accept you and become attuned to the next vibration. Time is dissolving and the chance to pass through the gateway is not there indefinitely.

It is a wondrous time yes, but this vibrational lift is causing a major spiritual detox. The responsibility of being your true self and true soul is weighing very heavy on so many so called 'light workers' as the soul expectation makes their lives difficult. There can be no sweet wrapped glossy glossy spirituality where being the true self is concerned. The false ego will be threatened by the true self and will put up one hell of a fight ....

So is 2012 the dawn of the Age Of Aquarius? I believe not. I think we slipped into this new age back in the 60's personally. There is so much dogma about these matters out there... A deliberate attempt to confuse by a threatened force.

Everything I was shown and told as a young child has come to pass. The bees around the honey pot madness at this time with the new age movement and so called spiritualism was explained to me as a sham to avoid, back then.

It makes perfect sense now. 2012 has been a real mine field! 2013 and beyond will only get harder as the gateway begins to close and the chance for vibration lifting is lost again. Those stuck and left behind on the old vibration will struggle to cope in the illusory prison imposed on this planet!!!

For those lucky enough to shift their vibration to the next dimensional key ... Life on earth will improve!!!

Matthew James